Monday, July 10, 2006

Performers from a L'Oreal Party at the Louvre

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK FINALLY You are 21 years old!!!!! Happy Birthdy yesterday and thanks so much for calling me so we could personally all tell you Happy Birthday- was neat- we'd just been chatting about it being your birthday. Sam and Spencer had called you but had left a message. Your Dad called too but we were intending to call back after getting home from church but you caught us first! GREAT to finally get to see your Paris pictures and hear a little about your trip there. Jenn liked Paris better than you and commented maybe it was smellier due to it being hot summertime. Was cooler when she was there but she didn't recall the odor problem.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

soooo i love these pictures. at first i thought it was christina agulerra (no idea how to spell her last name)...but it's not. haha.

7:53 AM  

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